On November 1st, 2009, the first 25 trees in the Luthergarten were adopted. Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon (center, reading the selected Bible verse) planted a linden tree on behalf of the Anglican Communion.
On March 28th, 2014, an English beech tree was planted in Lambeth Palace Garden in London on behalf of the Anglican Communion. The tree planting took place while a delegation from the church leadership of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD) was in England for discussions with church representatives. The planting was carried out by Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon, General Secretary of the Anglican Communion (left), Bishop Dr. Martin Lind of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain (not pictured), and Bishop Gerhard Ulrich, Presiding Bishop of the VELKD (2nd from right, accompanied by Dr. Oliver Schuegraf from the office of the VELKD).