On November 10th, 2013, during the 8th International Theological Seminar of the Lutheran World Federation, Secretary Pastor Giuseppe Platone (with spade, shoveling the soil) planted a “Finkenwerder Herbstprinz” apple tree on behalf of the Council of Christian Churches in Milan, Italy (Consiglio delle Chiese Cristiane di Milano), which unites 17 Christian churches of different confessions. Children from the Protestant Secondary School in Wittenberg are ready to help by watering the tree.
On February 23rd, 2014, the Board of the Council of Christian Churches in Milan, Italy, planted an apple tree as partner tree in the “Garden of Faith” on behalf of all the member churches of the Council of Christian Churches. On this day, the congregation’s council president stepped down after 16 years. His successor, landscape architect Dr. Andreas Kipar, was a decisive figure in the creation of the Luthergarten, having designed this ecumenical Reformation project.